I will make room!!

Heavenly Father,

I come before You humbly, recognizing Your infinite love and grace. I acknowledge that my life has become cluttered and crowded, filled with distractions and worldly pursuits.

Today, I stand before You with a sincere heart, ready to make room for You in my life. I promise to prioritize Your presence, Your Word, and Your will above all else. I commit to seeking Your guidance and wisdom in every decision I make, and to aligning my actions with Your perfect plan.

Lord, I ask for Your help in decluttering my mind and my heart. Remove anything that hinders my relationship with You or distracts me from Your purpose. Grant me the strength to let go of worldly desires and selfish ambitions, so that I may fully embrace Your love and walk in Your ways.

I surrender my worries, my ambitions, and my fears into Your loving hands. Fill the empty spaces within me with Your peace, joy, and unfailing love. Teach me to rely on You completely and trust in Your provision.

Today, I make this promise to You, dear Lord: I will make room for You in my life. I will prioritize my relationship with You above all else. Help me to stay faithful and focused on You, even in the midst of life’s challenges and distractions.

Thank You for Your grace and patience, Lord. I pray all these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.


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